Oil and Fluid Exchange System Showdown: Sage Oil Vac vs. Pump Designs

Our stance has never wavered: The Sage Oil Vac pump-free design is the foundation of a better fluid exchange system — a faster, safer and cleaner way to change oil and fluids on your jobsite.
There are, of course, some skeptics. Systems featuring air-operated diaphragm pumps (AODPs) and air piston pumps have provided a dependable means of changing oil and fluids for decades. Proponents of these systems question whether there is truly a performance advantage to a system that uses compressed air to build vacuum pressure that moves fluids to and from tanks.
The Advantage of a pump-free fluid exchange system
Our response: There is a HUGE advantage with the Sage Oil Vac pump-free design.
Of course, don’t just take our sales pitch as gospel. We put the two systems to the test. Sage Oil Vac versus the competition. Conventional pump-dependent systems pitted against our patented design. May the best fluid exchange system prevail.
This comparison took place in a controlled setting, therefore the results for either system may vary in real application based on weather conditions and other variables, like viscosity and temperature.
Challenge No. 1: Removing used oil
The first fluid exchange system showdown featured a Sage Oil Vac system and one using air-operated diaphragm pumps to remove five gallons of used oil.
The results
- Sage Oil Vac: 1 minute, 10 seconds
- Air-operated diaphragm pump system: 1 minute, 40 seconds
Challenge No. 2: Dispensing fresh oil
For the second showdown, we bulk-filled 10 gallons of oil into each skid (a Sage Oil Vac skid and one fluid exchange system using an air piston pump) and performed an oil change on an engine that holds five gallons of oil.
The results
- Sage Oil Vac: 30 seconds (approximately 20 gallons per minute)
- Air piston pump system: 2 minutes, 20 seconds (approximately 4.25 gallons per minute)
The results speak volumes. Whether you are removing used oil or fluids or bulk-filling fresh oil or fluids into your equipment, Sage Oil Vac pump-free fluid exchange systems are faster and more efficient. Plus, they provide a cleaner way to change fluids, greatly reducing the chances of spills or contamination.
See our pump-free fluid exchange system for yourself
Watch the Oil and Fluid Exchange System Showdown to see how our system prevailed over competitive models.